To include this FX in your document you need to put the the following in the HEAD section of your document

<!-- *** BEGIN CUT - Start Code *** -->
<!-- (* Another free JavaScript © from *) -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="javascript/JSFX_Layer.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="javascript/JSFX_Mouse.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="javascript/JSFX_Browser.js"></SCRIPT>
<!-- *** Swirling cursor trail (based on a script by Ozone, ***
      *** Featured on Website Abstraction: Free JavaScripts *** -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" SRC="javascript/JSFX_Circle.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript" TYPE="text/javascript">
function JSFX_StartEffects()
JSFX.CircleText("JavaScript-FX......", "Arial", "#777777", 5, 300, .2);

<!-- *** END CUT - End Code *** -->

Put the following in the BODY TAG of your document

<BODY onLoad="JSFX_StartEffects()">

Param1: "JavaScript-FX......" - Change this to the text you want to display.
Param2: "Arial" - Change this to the font for the text.
Param3: "#777777" - Change this to the color for the text.
Param4: "5" - Change this to the font size for the text (1-7).
Param5: "300" - Change this to the size of the circle.
Param6: ".2" - Change this to speed the circle rotates.

Also See...
Using External ".js" Files
Combining Multiple Scripts.